Rank Math Pro v3.0.10.1 + Rank Math Free v1.0.86.2

Rank Math Pro v3.0.10.1 + Rank Math Free v1.0.86.2

Free Download Rank Math PRO SEO Plugin Latest Version For WordPress (Rank Math Pro Plugin v3.0.10.1 + Free free download).

Rank Math Pro Free Download Latest Version is an SEO plugin for WordPress that offers some excellent functions to improve your website's search engine ranking. It primarily helps to do on-page SEO of your website.

SEO is the most consistent source of traffic for any website. We created Rank Math, a WordPress SEO plugin, to help every website owner get access to the SEO tools they need to improve their SEO and attract more traffic to their website.

Rank Math Pro offers features like Advanced Google Analytics Integration, Custom Schema Generator, Keyword Rank Tracker, Advanced Image SEO, and many others. It's Advanced Schema Generator automatically identify and apply appropriate schema markups into pages or posts. It also gives the option to modify and choose a different Schema type manually.

Rank Math Pro Plugin v3.0.10.1 + Free Latest Version Free Download

Free Download Rank Math Pro Latest Version
Free Download Rank Math Pro [Latest Version]
Rank Math SEO – Best SEO Plugin for WordPress
1st WordPress SEO Plugin to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) 🦾

SEO is the most consistent source of traffic for any website. We created Rank Math SEO, a WordPress SEO plugin, to help every website owner get access to the SEO tools they need to improve their SEO and attract more traffic to their website.

List of Rank Math SEO PRO Features

  • Clean, & Simple User Interface
  • Optimal Settings Pre-Selected
  • Simple Setup Wizard
    • Compatibility Check
  • Auto Canonical URLs
  • LSI Keyword Tool Integrated
  • Google Search Console Integration
  • Google Keyword Ranking
  • Import Other Plugin Settings
    • 1 Click Import From Yoast SEO Plugin
    • 1 Click Import From AIO SEO
    • 1 Click Import From SEOPress & SEOPress Pro
    • 1 Click Import From All In One Schema Rich Snippets & Schema Pro
    • 1 Click Import From Redirection Plugin
  • Role Manager
  • ACF Support
  • AMP Ready
  • bbPress & BuddyPress Modules
  • Google Schema Markup Integrated
    • Article Rich Snippet
    • Review Rich Snippet
    • Book Rich Snippet
    • Course Rich Snippet
    • Event Rich Snippet
    • Job Posting Rich Snippet
    • Local Business Rich Snippet
    • 193 Local Business Types
    • Music Rich Snippet
    • Person Rich Snippet
    • Product Rich Snippet
    • Recipe Rich Snippet
    • Restaurant Rich Snippet
    • Service Rich Snippet
    • Software Application Rich Snippet
    • Video Rich Snippet
    • Author Stay Rating
  • Social Media Optimization
    • Add Overlay Icons On Social Images
    • Default OpenGraph Thumbnail
    • Auto Facebook Open Graph
    • Facebook Authorship
    • Facebook Open Graph for Homepage
    • Automatic Twitter Meta Cards
    • Twitter Card for Homepage
    • Default Twitter Card Type
    • Social Previews
  • Add Knowledge Graph
    • Represent site as a Person
    • Represent site as a Company
    • Set a Site Logo
  • Advanced SEO Analysis Tool
    • 30 Detailed SEO Tests
    • SEO Analysis Score
  • Automated Image SEO
  • Powerful Post Optimization
    • Add SEO Meta Box to all post types
    • Bulk Edit Titles & Descriptions
    • Post Preview on Google
    • Content Analysis
    • Control SEO For Single Pages
    • Control The Title
    • Control Meta Description
    • Auto Add Additional Meta Data
    • Control ROBOTS Meta
    • Choose a Primary Category
  • Single Post/page Optimization
    • Focus Keyword
    • Google Keyword Suggestion
    • Optimize UNLIMITED Keywords (5 by default)
    • Choose Pillar Posts & Pages
    • Internal Linking Suggestions
    • Capitalize Titles
    • SEO Failed Tests
    • SEO Warnings
  • XML Sitemap (New!)
  • Module Based System
  • Choose Any Separator Character
  • Modify Global Meta
  • Search Engine Verification Tools
    • Bing Site Verification
    • Baidu Site Verification
    • Yandex Site Verification
    • Google Site Verification
    • Pinterest Site Verification
    • Norton Safe Web Site Verification
  • Advanced Redirection Manager
    • Smart & Automatic Post Redirects
    • 301 Redirection Type
    • 302 Redirection Type
    • 307 Redirection Type
    • 410 Redirection Type
    • 451 Redirection Type
    • Support for REGEX
    • Debug Redirections
  • Simple 404 Monitor
    • Advanced 404 Monitor
  • Advanced SEO Breadcrumbs
    • Auto Show SEO Breadcrumbs
  • Advanced Link Options
    • Nofollow All External Image Links
    • Nofollow All External Links
    • Open External Links in New Tab/Window
    • Redirect Attachments to Parent
    • Strip Category Base
  • Remove Stopwords from Permalinks
  • Ping Search Engines
  • Local SEO Optimization
    • Contact Info Shortcode
  • Deep Support For WooCommerce SEO
  • Compatible for EDD SEO (Easy Digital Downloads SEO)
  • Only 30k Lines of Code
    • PSR-4 Coding Standards (wherever possible)
  • Optimize Different Archives
    • Optimize Author Archive Pages
    • Optimize Date Archive Pages
    • Optimize Archive Pages
  • .htaccess Editor
  • Robots.txt Editor
  • Import/Export Settings
  • Import/Export Redirections
  • Add Content Before the RSS Feed
  • Add Content After the RSS Feed
  • Detailed Documentation
    • Contextual Help

Rank Math SEO PRO changelog

v1.0.86.2 [Apr 09, 2022]
Added: Filter to show/hide Analytics Stats Bar on the frontend
Improved: Hide Analytics Stats Bar on the frontend on all the pages after clicking on the close button
Fixed: Author Sitemap was not working on some setups after the last update

Alternative SEO Plugins:

Rank Math Plugin Installation Guide


  • Version Rank Math Pro v3.0.10.1 + Rank Math Free v1.0.86.2
  • Download 149
  • File Size 3.27 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date April 11, 2022
  • Last Updated July 4, 2024